The Scummiest Cheating Scandal in the History of Sports

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This issue is about the comedy of Arnold Schwarzenegger, a wild sports scandal, a united front against Amy Schumer, and much more.

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A big reason why people still love Arnold and his work, it seems, is his ability to joke around; unlike some other criminally humorless ‘90s action stars, Schwarzenegger is usually totally game to put his tough guy persona on the line and yuk it up in comedies. Even his new Netflix series, Fubar, is full of broad humor and at least one punch to the groin.

Nobody has a completely perfect track record when it comes to cheating. Everyone’s sneaked a few bucks from the bank in Monopoly when nobody was looking, had a quick glance at all their options in a Choose Your Own Adventure book to make sure they didn’t die or absolutely sworn their foot didn’t cross a line while knowing it did. It’s part of life.

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