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- Michael Palin Explains Why the Monty Python Members Aren’t Friends Anymore
Michael Palin Explains Why the Monty Python Members Aren’t Friends Anymore
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Some of the best episodes of Seinfeld were based on real stories from the writers’ personal lives, be it an embarrassing dating anecdote or a kooky holiday invented by an alcoholic father. But the show occasionally took inspiration from real-world events, too. Some examples of this trend are more obvious, like the time Kramer fled from the cops with an accused murderer in a white Ford Bronco.
First impressions are everything — except when they’re not. While most sitcoms that struggle in their first season get the ax, there have been occasions when a network is so invested in the success of a star or a concept that they give it another shot after retooling things. Sometimes they ditch a few characters or switch the location; other times they go so far as to change the name of the show. Then they put it back out into the world and hope everyone forgets about the original incarnation.
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