Matt Rife Accused of Swiping Jokes From Ralphie May

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Dana Carvey’s oldest son Dex passed away Wednesday from an accidental drug overdose, the family has confirmed. Among his other talents, Dex was an aspiring comic, opening for his dad before Dana’s 2016 Netflix special Straight White Male, 60. Last night, Dana took to social media to pay tribute to his son.

Matt Rife pulls off a weird flex at the end of his new Netflix special, Natural Selection. Even true comedy nerds might not realize that Rife has faced minor criticism during his meteoric rise, with haters complaining that the comic’s popular social media videos rely more on ripped abs and sarcastic crowd work than actual funny material. Rife, who admits in the special that he has “learned through therapy that I’m a very defensive person,” must have taken those insults to heart. His last words for the night? He stares down the audience, then proclaims, “What do I know? I only do crowd work, right?” BOOM! Rife drops the mic to the stage floor with a thud. Those critics got served!