Bill Watterson Fans Furious Over A.I. Calvin and Hobbes

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Is nothing safe from A.I. impersonators? Now our unseen algorithm lords (with the help of some talent-impaired human “creators”) are churning out completely bizarre versions of Calvin and Hobbes comics. The notoriously silent Bill Watterson hasn’t weighed in — publicly at least — but fans are irate on his behalf.

Learning about the world through The Simpsons is a slightly less reliable method than learning about it at Springfield Elementary, but both will teach you that embiggen is a perfectly cromulent word.

Most lifelong Simpsons fans start their love affair with the show in their early years when they’re young, impressionable and easily convinced that the ending of Little Women is laughably on-the-nose. The Simpsonsplayful approach to satire sometimes makes it hard for those with little life experience to differentiate between the stuff that’s made up for a joke and the actual realities of the world that the show is skewering that episode.