52 Underrated Pop-Culture Things Well Worth Re-Examining

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Like commercial jingles, lyrical TV theme songs are a lost art. Years ago, it wasn’t possible to watch a sitcom that didn’t open with a little ditty. (It also wasn’t possible to skip the intro, which is why, decades later, some of these might still be lodged deep enough in your brain for you to bust them out at karaoke.)

After extensive study and careful evaluation, we’ve collected and ranked the 30 best examples of the genre. And since we know you’re going to anyway: Go ahead, scroll down to #1 and try to say we’re wrong. YOU CAN’T.

Especially if you live in a “bohemian” (read: heavily gentrified) neighborhood like my own of Bushwick, Brooklyn, chances are that you’ve noticed a remarkable swell of modern occultists. There’s probably more Wiccans on my local dating apps than there are Catholics, and while other local businesses fail, a nearby “witch shop” is booming. The study of the spooky is back in full force these days.

To be honest, who can blame someone for trying to add a little more mystery into their life? When the answers to everything require only a bend of the elbow, 21st century life is definitely lacking a little bit in the wonder and awe department.

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