30 Trivia Tidbits About Fast-Food Joints

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This issue is about the best comedy pilots, brutal truths about plastic surgery, terrifying monsters, fast food trivia, and more.

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We regret to inform you that the doctors charging exorbitant prices to play Mr. Potato Head with your ass every few months for the rest of your life may not have your best interests at heart. Don’t get us wrong — cosmetic surgery isn’t all about vanity. Correcting deviated septums, alleviating chronic jaw pain and a little post-pregnancy abdominal tune-up are all procedures that can dramatically improve a person’s quality of life. After all, the discipline has its roots in allowing victims of war crimes to move freely in polite society.

“It’s a great show, but you need to give it six or seven episodes to find itself.”

We’ve all heard it; we’ve probably all even said it. Lots of the sitcoms we love — even ones we return to over and over again; ones we’ve recommended to friends and felt compelled to purchase on physical media so we never lost access — are not that great right off the bat.

Pilots are hard, because a pilot has to do a lot. It has to establish its setting. It has to introduce characters and show us why they’re there. It has to tell us all their names and all their relationships to each other. It has to tell a story that’s entertaining within the span of the episode, and it has to give us confidence that future stories it may tell will be just as compelling. 

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