28 Doses of Trivia That We Dare You to Wrap Your Mind Around

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If you’re feeling a bit lethargic, why not try Doc Speedy’s Pep Pills from the good people at Pep Co.? Now with even more baboon adrenaline! If you’re having stomach issues, maybe get yourself some of Doc Queasy’s Tummy Tablets, which has been taking people’s minds off nausea with crippling leg pain since 1882. Now with more polio! Perhaps you’re just dissatisfied with the closeness of your shave, well there’s a solution for that too: Doc Fallout’s Nuclear Shaving Cream — vaporizing stubble with weapons-grade uranium since 1948. It’s Oppenheimerific!

When picking a new insult to throw at someone, current comedic convention suggests you string together a series of random incongruous words. You type, “Yeah, like I’m going to take advice from a lopsided milk-stained piss plank.” People read that and supposedly laugh, so long as they don’t think about it too hard and don’t catch on to the formula.

Such insults don’t roll off the tongue too well. When we want an insult that people can use over and over, we instead take a single existing catchy word and repeat it till its meaning mutates over time. Inevitably, it ends up describing our enemies exclusively, and soon, no one remembers what it originally meant.

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