26 Jokes Stealthily Hidden in Famous Movies and TV

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This issue is about Dale Gribble, pranks, things ruined by the internet, the Kanye West ‘South Park’ bit, and more.

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In all animated sitcom history, few characters are as synonymous with the bunker-building, tinfoil hat-wearing, pocket-sand throwing community of conspiracy theorists than Hank Hill's endlessly argumentative yet touchingly tender neighbor. Dale didn’t trust any government or media entity further than he could throw sand into their eyes, but he trusted and loved his friends and family deeply — and no one loved Dale more than the real-life skeptical exterminators and libertarian bounty hunters who saw themselves reflected on the lenses of his aviators.

Heres the thing, we all know celebrities are mostly sick maniacs deep down. Think of the absolute madness required to get to the top of the heap and bask in the merciless spotlight of fame. Its no surprise then, that, given near-infinite resources, powerful networks and way too much time between projects, celebrities end up pulling off some of the most epic pranks of all time. Such as…

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