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25 of the Best Comic’s Comics, According to Patton Oswalt and Other Beloved Comic’s Comics

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With all due respect to Frank Sinatra, The Simpsons did it better.

Over 34 seasons and 750 episodes, writers for The Simpsons have had ample opportunity to stretch their songwriting and song-parodying muscles to create some of the most memorable moments in the show’s entire run.

“I’m not trying to fight to be the world’s greatest comic's comic because there’s no money in it.” - Andy Kindler

There might be as many definitions of “comic's comic” as there are actual comedians. To some, it’s the comic that all of the other stand-ups aspire to be. To others, it’s the gonzo oddball that club owners complain isn’t selling enough drinks. To nail down a definition — or at least to better understand the spectrum of possibilities — I talked to several comics who are regularly identified by that moniker, including Patton Oswalt, Rachel Feinstein, Andy Kindler and Jackie Kashian. And I wasn’t surprised that we didn’t arrive at anything approaching consensus. “It's like comedy itself,” explains Kashian. “It's so subjective.”

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