24 Times People Got Roasted in Twitter’s Community Notes

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This issue is about Matthew Perry, subtle ‘Seinfeld’ jokes, funny tweets from last week, Community Notes roasts, the 50 greatest ‘Simpsons’ memes, and much more.

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Friends was the voice of a generation of TV shows — as they say, often imitated, never duplicated — and Matthew Perry’s Chandler was the voice of Friends. Perry, who passed away unexpectedly this weekend at the age of 54, wasn’t the show’s star exactly. But in an ensemble cast of funny characters, Chandler’s trademark sarcasm, barely masking the character’s myriad insecurities, best embodied the show’s outlook — funny, optimistic and scared as hell. Could it have been any more iconic?

At the show’s outset, Chandler is practically the only one of the Friends holding down a real job — one of us has made it! — but the office drudgery it consisted of served as a cautionary tale. With every deadpan remark, Perry let us know how miserable this guy was. If Chandler told us something was spectacular, we knew the guy suffered from a thousand office paper cuts.

So many of the exquisite jokes in Seinfeld can only be appreciated by a refined palate — after all, not everyone can eat their Snickers bars using cutlery.

Much like Rick and Morty, Seinfeld is only fully understood by those touting the highest IQ scores — references to history, geography, politics and science sail well over the heads of the less refined while us geniuses let out sensible chuckles at both the comedic mastery of Larry David and the philistines who will never appreciate such artistic excellence.