23 of the Most Unforgettable Movie Scenes Ever

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For decades, Saturday morning cartoons have entertained children with goofy programs about wacky characters (and laboriously sanitized adaptations of gore-soaked R-rated action movies). But as anyone who’s ever spent more than four seconds on the internet can tell you, human beings are prone to conspiratorial thinking. Saturday morning cartoons are no exception. Yes, some folks have some pretty outlandish theories about these TV shows that, in retrospect, really only existed to trick children into desiring cheap plastic toys and sugary cereals, such as how…

Since the inception of cinema, comedy has been used as an escape from the horrors of the world: the senseless violence, the endless wars, the rapidly depleting ozone layer. But black comedies get a kick out of these darker subjects, and employ gallows humor to deal with such taboo topics. One of the most popular taboos to be hammed up for comedic effect? Murder.

While it can’t be overstated that murder is no laughing matter, for these five films it actually is…

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