20 ‘Unrealistic’ Parts of Movies That Are Actually Accurate

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Homer Simpson is a man of many talents: Downing countless Duff beers at Moe’s Tavern night after night without so much as a hangover. Slacking off at work while never truly losing his job. Dumping so much pig crap into Lake Springfield that the EPA encased the entire town in a glass dome, turning it into essentially a giant snow globe. 

A deep knowledge of movie trivia, however, cannot be counted among these skills, as Simpsons fans — who apparently include the overlords at IMDb — discovered during Season Eight’s “The Springfield Files.”

Irony is the lifeblood of poetry and literature, and we often forget that pop music is just poetry performed by hot people. As a result, we tend to take their work at face value, even when it’s more sarcastic than Daria Morgandorffer at the Goop summit.