13 Literally Toxic Movie Sets

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Winnie the Pooh isn’t the only animated animal who needs to put on some pants.

The decency standards for anthropomorphized creatures in cartoons have always been inconsistent, even within a single animated universe — as Bo Burnham famously pointed out, if Goofy and his family enjoy all the perks of personhood and the clothing options that go with them, “Why is Pluto just a fucking dog?

The job of professional fun-ruiners (AKA movie and TV censors) is predominantly a thankless one. Mainly, they have to ensure that no scenes featuring naughty language or naked human bodies get in the way of wiener children’s enjoyment of over-the-top, graphic violence. Since their work often involves attempting to sanitize comedies, over the years, several famous humorists have had to become incredibly crafty when it comes to sneaking dirty material past these corporate buzzkills, like how …

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