13 Great Dark Humor Jokes About Capitalism

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Data confirms what you have probably personally observed: feature film comedy releases are on the decline. The theatrical market is tough, with major chain Regal closing more than three dozen locations earlier this year, so the few screens that remain are more likely to show features from genres that more reliably draw crowds: action movies, particularly about superheroes. But even if broad, crowd-pleasing comedies are rarer in theaters than they used to be, you can still find them, and you don’t need to travel further than your nearest TV.

Friendships are built on mutual trust, on the deep knowledge shared between people who’ve dared to look deep into each other’s hearts. And yet, paradoxically, it’s the people who know you most intimately — the people to whom you’ve really bared your soul — that are best equipped to use that knowledge against you in the form of truly wounding insults. But in a fun way! Hence: roasts.

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