12 People Who Deeply Regret Their Stints on Reality TV

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This issue is about The Interrupter, ‘Far Side’ comics, the first ‘Simpsons’ season, John Cleese, and much more.

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Conan got interrupted a lot on Late Night with Conan O’Brien. There was announcer Joel Godard, who would interrupt Conan with the details of his lewd sexual exploits. There was Preparation H Raymond, who would interrupt Conan to distribute hemorrhoid cream. There was a ghost who interrupted Conan to sing him offensive old-timey songs. But there was only one character whose sole purpose in life was to interrupt Conan. That character was, of course — “Me! The Interrupter!”

Being a fan of offbeat, weird, dark and outright Dadaistic humor before the internet meant having to really search it out since it usually didn’t appeal to the masses. A beacon, however, shined its light from 1979 through 1995, delivering this type of humor to millions of Americans every single day. All they had to do was look at the funny pages.

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