12 Deeply Strange Branded Products (That, Somehow, Are Real)

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This issue is about the most influential comedy specials, bizarre interview moments, engineering marvels, real zombies, and much more.

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Compiling a list of the most influential comedy specials? Well, that’s got to be an easy Cracked assignment. Several sites have already constructed lists of the best comedy specials of all time, so the work’s already been done, right? Nope.

While those “Best Ever” lists often overlap with this one, we were looking for something different. The most influential specials are the ones that broke new ground, like making TV safe for stand-up swearing, or the ones that inspired a generation of young funny people to find a microphone and start telling jokes in an entirely new way, either by savagely honest storytelling or by deconstructing the concept of stand-up itself.

When you’ve been in show business for as long as Natasha Lyonne, you start to get used to people saying strange things to you. And when you sit down with Barbara Walters, you expect it.

Lyonne has had one of the more unique personal and professional journeys in Hollywood, having started her career when she was six years old at the behest of her less-than-protective parents. The Russian Doll star and showrunner has struggled with substance abuse issues and legal trouble throughout her time on television and in film, as well as litany of inane, inappropriate or downright disturbing questions from media members or authority figures on her many projects.

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