12 Of The Most Accident-Prone People in History

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Raunchy jokes and stories about prodigious drinking didn’t originate with Bert Kreischer. In medieval times, wandering minstrels were essentially 15th-century stand-up comics, without the virtue of a Netflix special or Tiktok clip to save their raucous routines for posterity. Up until now, historians thought ye olde comedy routines were lost forever since they didn’t appear to have been recorded. But now a Cambridge University professor has discovered a manuscript that proves some tropes of British humor have been tossed around for centuries.

Since the ’90s, we’ve associated celebrities with the spiritual, homeopathic, sudo-voodoo art of medical treatments. Not to knock it completely… We may not have accepted yoga, matcha, or acupuncture in the western world if it weren’t for the trendy hipster celebs of the past. And that’s all well and good, we’re all about some Eastern philosophy here and there… We’re just here to give “acupuncture as a cancer cure” a big ol’ eye roll.

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